Welcome to AudioTranscription.Org’s secure payment portal, a convenient and safe place for you to submit payment for our services.
Option #1: Most major credit cards
To pay securely via credit card, please visit this link (our standard checkout process). Note: PayPal acts as our credit card processor, but you do not need a PayPal account to pay via credit card. If PayPal doesn’t accept your credit card, you can use Google Wallet (Option #3).
Option #2: Your PayPal account
Payments should be submitted to . Click here to be securely directed to PayPal.
Option #3: Credit cards using Google Wallet (e.g. because Option #1 will not accept your credit card)
Enter your order total and click the “Buy now” button to pay securely via credit card using Google Wallet. Note: Please only enter numeric characters (i.e. do not enter a dollar sign, commas, etc.).
Option #4: Corporate check
If you prefer to mail your payment, please send your check to:
AudioTranscription.Org Accounting Department
28 Second Street
Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-6-VOICES (1-800-686-4237).